Frequently Asked Questions

Who Can Go?

Most trips are family friendly for children above the age of 10 years old. If a child is younger than 10, please contact All For One to make sure a certain trip is suitable. Students having completed the 6th grade may attend trips on their own with the permission of their parent or guardian.

What is Included in the Cost?
Air transportation, ground transportation, food, lodging, travel insurance, free day activities, t-shirt, project coordination and ministry supplies are all included in the cost.

Prices are subject to change due to changes in the airline reservations.

Is Money Refundable?
Unfortunately, deposits made to All For One Ministries is non-refundable and non-transferable. Only in the case of an extreme emergency such as death will a refund be considered.

What to Expect?
Expect God to move in your life and the lives of those you minister to!  You will be challenged to grow in your faith in a variety of ways and have an experience like no other! To apply for mission trip, click here!

Will I be able to Contact Friends and Family Back Home?
Yes, most places have internet service to allow communication with those back home. All missionaries will contact home at least twice while traveling, once when arriving and once before returning home.

What’s the Vision of All For One Ministries?

All For One Ministries exist to simply know Him and make Him known!  Every trip and every service we offer is aimed at fulfilling this clear goal!

What are the Focal Points of All For One Ministries?
There are three main focal points for each mission trip:

Custom Trips: Trips are custom designed in a two fold manner. Our first customization is to contextualize the ministry projects to that of the culture, people or place where we are ministering. Secondly, we seek to customize the means in which we do ministry to the strength and makeup of each individual team member. This allows ministry to be flexible and effective on whatever mission field we may find ourselves.

Focused on Reaching the Unreached: We believe the Great Commission is at the forefront of God’s Heart and therefore is at the heart and existence of All For One Ministries. This means we are willing to travel to places that are not easy to travel. We research and pursue those places and people groups that are not easy to reach. This is an ongoing pursuit of what we do at All For One Ministries. Whether it is mowing a yard in our local community or performing a drama on a street corner in a foreign land, we ensure that the proclamation of the Gospel is at the center of every way we minister.

An Experience Like No Other: We have an overwhelming dependence on God’s Spirit while we serve Him on the field. As we share His Gospel, we look for and anticipate His moving within our midst, within our hearts and even more importantly, in the hearts of the Locals.