1 timothy 4.12
At All for One Ministries, each week, when your child enters the children’s ministry, our prayer is that they leave with a little more knowledge of the saving grace of Jesus Christ that extends to ALL – ages, nations, languages.  Your child will sing songs and hear a lesson based on the same sermon that was taught in your service with the idea that going home together you can continue worshipping and growing together over the Sunday dinner and throughout the week. Allowing time to share what each of you have learned and at your own level.
Our hope and prayer is that each child will come to have a true relationship with Jesus Christ, growing in boldness and prepared to reach others. Quarterly, a time will be planned to go out in missions with the children so they too can learn that sharing God’s love is not only for adults but for all who love the Lord.
Additionally, one main focus comes from 1 Timothy 4:12 so that they know “not to let anyone look down on them because they are young” but that God has a plan and purpose for each of us every step of the way.
Join us this Sunday!
In His Service,
Susan Moree Alvarez