The Life of Jesus Tour Begins in...








FAQS Register







2016-Sept 2nd-11th


See Flyer for Details

The above price does not include airfare. Airlines do not release their prices until 360 days prior. It is estimated to be $1,250 for the ticket price making the double occupancy costs $3,300.

Insurance for this trip is optional and can be seen in the pricing above.

 All tickets should fall under the double occupancy price unless you have three to a group. Meaning that you will be paired with a roommate. If you elect to go with the single occupancy you will charged for the single occupancy rate.

The Sea of Galilee


The Mountain of Temptation Where Jesus overcome the temptations of the Devil as seen in the book of Matthew 


Journey to the Jordan River where Jesus was Baptized

Apply Now!

To register, just click here,  fill out the form and pay the $250 deposit by using the PayPal option on the registration page
or you can pay by check made out to All For One Ministries. P.O. Box 2488 Lancaster SC, 29721


 All Trips includes meals, lodging, transportation and t-shirt. (Prices are subject to change depending on airlines)