Michael Anderson, the Executive Director of All For One Ministries, has preached revivals, youth rallies, retreats, special events and provided pulpit supply in over 30 churches crossing multiple denominational lines into four Continents. His passion for the centricity of the Gospel accompanied with insightful teaching makes him a great fit for any venue. Some of these have included First Priority’s, Wild-Game Banquets, 5th Quarters, Crisis Pregnancy Center Outreaches, youth Revivals, Pastor Conferences and more. For more info about Michael Anderson,
Michael has pioneered numerous conferences that have impacted hundreds of children, youth and adults. The conferences have ranged in topics from “Don’t Test Drive the Sex Drive”, a conference geared toward teenagers and sexual purity to “Faith Factor” which was used to teach how we are to ensure we factor faith into our daily lives to most recently “The Damascus Experience”, a conference designed to challenge all ages to be on mission with God wherever they may find themselves. He has also served as the keynote speaker for several wild-game dinners.
Michael Published his first book Deeper Woods in 2017 and most recently Deeper Waters in 2019. Both Deeper Woods and Deeper Waters are a 31-day devotional designed to help hunters and fisherman of all ages go deeper in their walk with Christ. Copies are avail for purchase on Amazon.
Church Planter
In addition to serving as the Executive Director for All For One Ministries, Michael most recently became the lead pastor for the All For One Chruch located in Lancaster, SC. The vision of the AFO Church is to be a healthy, multiethnic fellowship that reflects heaven and reproduces herself around the World
Booking Info
Michael would love the opportunity to speak at your next event or to bring a conference topic of your choice to your church or organization.
Booking All For One Ministries
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“Michael has come to our church on several occasions and spoken to our Men’s Ministry Outreach, and also encouraged our church towards the Great Commission. In a few words – he is professional, organized, and passionate. You will be excited to work with him and All For One Ministries”!
Jesse Watkins, Lead Pastor, Friendship Southern Baptist Church, Concord, NC